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Rolling StockRulesNewsEngines Rolling Stock RoutesAdd-onsLinks Passenger cars and freight cars, they're all very essential to the railroads of Sodor. Download these cool trucks and wagons to add to your goods trains, the Flying Kipper, or whatever you want to do with them! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A freight car that is used for transporting important goods, such as fruit, toys, games, and other goods. The face is custom-made. Enjoy it, and click the picture to download it! The Sodor express coaches, usually pulled by Gordon, are now available in American style so you can use your American engines to pull them (or have Gordon or one of the main line engines pull them)! Here is a new piece of american rolling stock, this time; it's the Sodor Line Caboose. Based on the Wooden Railway toy. Disclaimer: Thomas and Friends is owned by HiT Entertainment and Mattel, respectfully. Trainz is owned by N3V Games/Auran Games. |