Penerimaan Siswa Baru Sma Negeri

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Penerimaan Siswa Baru Sma Negeri Average ratng: 3,7/5 9739 votes


Abstract: The event admission of new students has been done manually so that less effective and efficient . For it takes a new admissions system based web effective and efficient , and can be accessed anytime and anywhere by prospective new students . This research uses the waterfall as a systems development method , where in the method includes needs analysis , system design , implementation , testing and maintenance . From it was produced a new admissions system which more effective , efficient , accessible anytime and anywhere , and to facilitate the committee in the reporting process .

Keywords : admission of new students, web, waterfall

Hamidi, A. (2016). Sistem Penerimaan Siswa Baru Berbasis Web Pada SMA Negeri 1 Pulokulon. Information Technology and Telematics, 6(1). Retrieved from
Nama / NPMYeni Fauzia / 13100067
Program StudiPendidikan Informatika
Pembimbing IIr. Hj. Nurmi
Pembimbing IIThomson Mary

Abstrak :

Acceptance of New Students is a process in selecting prospective students based on academic value in order to continue education. 13 digit vin for year. One solution to solve problems in the implementation of new admissions is to build a new student admissions information system that is computerized and integrated with each school based on special access. The purpose of this research is to produce application software of new student enrollment information system at Junior High School 1 Basa Ampek Balai Tapan so as to make it easier for prospective students to register because it has been online, reducing paper usage, reducing fraud and expected to overcome the obstacles experienced both Chairman of the new admissions committee as well as the student's own parents. This research produces a system that can handle the process of admission of new students in hopes of more efficient and effective than the previous manual way.

Keyword :

Design, Implementation, Web, New Student Reception

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