Emcee Script For Competition

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EMCEE SCRIPT Search for Mr. and Ms. Pawa High School 2016
(Voice over) Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the search for Mr Mr. and Ms. Pawa High School 201. !o formall' start the #rogram, let $s all rise for the do%olog' to &e rendere rendered d &' !ri !ri&$ &$ 'd$ador, Lega#i *it' +ivision. !his will &e followed &' the singing of the Phili##ine Phili##ine ational -nthem. (afterwards) !han 'o$ !ri&$ 'd$ador. o$ ma' now all &e seated. Live from the /aranga' Pavilion, Pawa, Lega#i *it', welcome to the coronation night of Mr. and Ms. Pawa High School Sch ool 201. -nd here are the twent'five lovel' and dashing candidates in their #rod$ction n$m&er. (enter candidates) (afterwards) (Voice over) Let $s welcome 'o$r hosts for this evening, former PHS fac$lt' mem&er, Mr. Mr. oel S. /$lawan and PHS ver' own, Ms. eann' *. /raga. Jen: Thank you so much. Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the 201 !earch for 'r. and 's. #awa $igh !chool. What a fantastic o%ening it was !ir &oel and what a great grou% of gorgeous and handsome candidates.
We're looking forward to an eciting evening which will culminate Joel: That's right 'am &en. We're with the announcement of the newest 'r. and 's. #awa $igh !chool. *s they will serve as the role models for the students they should +e well,s%oken talented +eautiful and of course intelligent. Jen: -t sur suree is a tou tough gh fig fight ht +et +etwee ween n our twenty,fi twenty,five ve +ea +eauti utiful ful and hand handsom somee cand candida idates tes. Tonight it will +e a %arade of talent %oise grace +eauty and the most im%ortant factor wit. *fter all it's +eauty that ca%tures your attention +ut %ersonality that ca%tures your heart.
Tonight night you will see the contestants contestants com%et com%etee in their school festival festival s%orts and form formal al Joel: To wears. They will also have to undergo the very daunting uestion,and,answer %ortion to win the crown of 'r. and 's. #awa $igh !chool 201. Jen: While our contestants are getting ready for their net e%osure we would like to welcome the ever magnanimo magnanimous us ded dedica icated ted and %as %assio sionat natee sch school ool of #awa $igh !ch !chool ool. /ad /adies ies and gentlemen to give her words of welcome let us receive with a warm round of a%%lause our +eloved Madam Elvira Tusi- Belen.
Joel: Thank you 'adam elen for your words of encouragement to the candidates. -'m sure they are all getting tensed at this %oint. - for sure will +e tensed if - were in their %osition. !ince we are looking for the +est man and woman to re%resent #awa $igh !chool our contestants will have to go through a very selective udging %rocess this evening. They will +e udged according to the following criteria:
(voice over) Jen: Twenty,five ece%tional men and women have dared to oin the com%etition vying for the most coveted %osition of 'r. and 's. #awa $igh !chool. *nd what a tough choice it is *nd here to hel% us choose the most deserving candidates for the crown are our most a+le +oard of udges.
(voice over will introd$ce the $dges) Joel: The outcome of tonight's com%etition rests u%on their hands. - am glad not to +e on your seats for this evening +ecause - am sure you will have a tough time. 3ur +oard of udges will of course use their e%ertise to single out the +est man and woman for the title of 'r. and 's. #awa $igh !chool 201. Jen: Wooh - can really feel the tension +uilding u%. (asks audience: *re you all getting ecited too4) ut of course !ir &oel aside from the udges the audience will also have a +ig %artici%ation in tonight's com%etition. - am sure they will shout their voices hoarse cheering for their +ets. /et us hear it from the Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 and Grade 10. Joel: 8es. - am sure the audience is as tensed as our candidates +ackstage. /et us not %rolong the wait 'am &en. Jen: - am already very ecited !ir &oel. Joel: - think everyone is eagerly waiting to see our candidates once again. - think they are now all ready. /adies and gentlemen let us welcome once again our twenty,five lovely and handsome candidates in the most sym+olic wear they will %ut on tonight 9 their !chool niform.
(afterwards) Joel: Thank you so much my dear candidates. #lease remain on stage +ecause at this %oint we shall +e giving away the first set of awards for tonight's com%etition. Joan: We have si s%ecial awards to give away. /et us start with 'r. and 's. ;ongeniality. Joel: The 'r. and 's. ;ongeniality is awarded to the friendliest and most accommodating candidate of the grou%. The candidates were given the chance to vote among themselves who they think deserves to win the award.
(voice over will read the award #resenters) Joel: /et us start with the gentlemen shall we4 3ur 'r. ;ongeniality is candidate no. 1 &ames #aul alde. *nd our 's. ;ongeniality is candidate no. < 'ary =ritsine >illanueva.
Jen: ;ongratulations candidates. /ast ?e+ruary 12 201 the contestants had their #ress ;onference and Talent ;om%etition at #awa $igh !chool where they +raved answering daunting uestions from the staffers of the #awa ;hronicle #awa $igh !chool's official %u+lication and showcased different ehi+itions of their uniue talents. ?our among our candidates stood out from the rest during those events which made them the most deserving to +e awarded the 'an and @arling of the #ress and est in Talent. Jen: /et us start with the 'an and @arling of the #ress.
(voice over will read the award #resenters) Jen: 3ur 'an of the #ress is ;andidate Ao. < &ohn #aul 'emoracion. *nd our @arling of the #ress is again ;andidate Ao. < 'ary =ristine >illanueva. ;ongratulations. Joel: /et us now %roceed with our est in Talent.
(voice over will read the award #resenters) Joel: 3ur est in Talent 'ale ;ategory is ;andidate Ao.  /eonel *rgones. *nd our est in Talent ?emale ;ategory is ;andidate Ao. < 'ary =ristine >illanueva. ;ongratulations Joel: The net s%ecial award we are going to give away goes to the four of our candidates with the +est %oses and most +eautiful register in the camera of our official %hotogra%hy %artner Focus Gallery and Studio, with Head Photograher and Prorietor Mr. Bo!!y 'laneta. 3ne of the candidates' %reliminary activities is their %hoto shoot held last &anuary 2B 201 at the #awa $igh !chool Grounds where they %osed and smiled in their casual and retro attires.
(voice over will read the award #resenters) Joel: *nd our 'r. #hotogenic is candidate no.  /eonil *rgones. *nd our 's. #hotogenic is candidate no. 5 &ustine 'ae onao+ra. ;ongratulations We shall now award our est in #ictorial #ose.
(voice over will read the award #resenters) Jen: *nd our est in #ictorial #ose 'ale ;ategory is ;andidate Ao. < &ohn #aul 'emoracion. *nd our est in #ictorial #ose ?emale ;ategor y is ;andidate Ao. < 'ary =ristine >illanueva. Joan: ;ongratulations. *s - mentioned a while ago the udges are not the only ones having their +ets for tonight +ut es%ecially the candidates' su%%orters and the audience mem+ers themselves. Joel: That's right 'am &en. We had an online voting via #awa $igh !chool's 3fficial ?ace+ook #age where the su%%orters of our candidates liked their %hotos to show their su%%ort. Jen: *lso the audience mem+ers dro%%ed their voting stu+s which was included in their entrance tickets to the corres%onding +oes of their favorite candidates as they were entering the venue a while ago. Joel: That's right 'am &en. We tallied the candidates' ?ace+ook likes and ticket votes to determine our 'an and @arling of the ;rowd.
(voice over will read the award #resenters) Joel: 3ur 'an of the ;rowd is candidate no.CCCCCCCCCC. 3ur @arling of the ;rowd is candidate no.CCCCCCCCCC. Joan: Thank you so much candidates you may %roceed +ackstage to get ready for your net e%osure. We still have many awards to give away as the com%etition %rogresses +ut for now let us thank our s%onsors first for hel%ing us realiDe tonight's event.
(voice over thans s#onsors) Joel: To give us a +reak from the com%etition's tension let us all welcome 's. /ynce 'ae >alerio a Grade 10 student to give us a song num+er entitled E8ou are 'y !ongF. * +ig a%%lause everyone.
(afterwards) Joel: Thank you /ynce for that heartfelt rendition of one of *sia's !ong+ird most %o%ular songs. 3nce again a loud round of a%%lause for her ladies and gentlemen. Jen: *t this uncture we reuest everyone to direct their eyes to the +ig screen for an audio, visual %resentation of our 'r. and 's. #awa $igh !chool 201 candidates.
(afterwards) Jen: That video %resentation ladies and gentlemen was %re%ared +y the school's -;T coordinator 'r. &aDeel rnane el+es. Joel: *nd now - think our candidates are now read y for their net e%osure. *t this uncture our candidates will don on their favorite s%orts attire. 3nce again ladies and gentlemen the candidates for the !earch for 'r. and 's. #awa $igh !chool 201 is their !%orts *ttire. Jen: Thank you candidates. 8ou may once again %roceed +ackstage to get ready for your net e%osure. Joel: *t this uncture ladies and gentleman it is our %ride to have on our stage tonight very talented and dedicated teachers from @e%d /egaD%i ;ity @ivision. Jen: - agree !ir &oel. /adies and gentlemen let us welcome once again to give us a dance num+er the Tri+u dukador.
(afterwards) Joel: Thank you 'esdames and !irs. 8ou have ust witnessed how talented the teachers of /egaD%i ;ity @ivision are. Jen: *fter we have witnessed the dancing %rowess of our /egaD%i ;ity @ivision teachers it is time to see how talented our very own #awa $igh !chool *lumni are. Joel: $ere to %resent another dance num+er let us all welcome with a +ooming round of a%%lause #awa $igh !chool *lumni.
(afterwards) Jen: Thank you to our alumni for that wonderful dance num+er. They only %rove that #awa $! %roduces talented individuals. Joel: That's right 'am &en. *nd now we shall give the floor to the head of our district. /et us all welcome for her message the #u+lic !chools @istrict !u%ervisor of /egaD%i 7 'adam Hogie '. 'ontiveros d. @. Jen: Thank you 'am Hogie for that ins%iring message. Joel: /et's get started with the net e%osure of our twenty,five lovely and dashing candidates. /adies and gentlemen in the most festive wear they will ever %ut on tonight here are our candidates in their ;ultural *ttire. Jen: While our contestants are getting ready for their net e%osure a word from our s%onsors first.
(voice over thans s#onsors) Jen: *t this uncture we would like to welcome the arangay ;a%tain of arangay #awa /egaD%i ;ity. /adies and gentlemen to give his message let us receive with a warm round of a%%lause the head of #awa rgy ;ouncil gy. ;hairman $on. Hoger AuIeD. Joel: Thank you very much 'r. Hoger AuneD for your kind and ins%iring words. -n +ehalf of #awa $igh !chool we are truly inde+ted to the +arangay council for your unyielding su%%ort to all the school's %roects and activities one of them +eing this %ageant and coronation night. Jen: -ndeed !ir &oel. Thank you once again ;a%. Joel: *t this %oint a grou% of young and talented musicians will give a song num+er. $ere to %erform some of the most %o%ular hits of today ladies and gentlemen let us welcome the @* *! and.
(afterwards) Jen: Thank you guys. Joel: *nd now ladies and gentlemen we have come to the most awaited wear of tonight's com%etition. The ?ormal *ttire com%etition is designed for the contestants to make an on,stage statement of their com%elling charm %resence and %ersonality. ?urthermore their +eauty sense of style com%osure and allure must +e %roected Eacross the footlightsF. The ?ormal *ttire should com%lement +oth the candidate's individual style and %ersonality e%ressed in the Etotal lookF. Jen: -n their last +ut surely not the least attire for tonight's com%etition let us the welcome the twenty,five lovely and dashing 'r. and 's. #awa 201 candidates in their formal wear.
(voice over reads candidates3 #rofiles)
Jen: /et us take another good look at our twenty,five lovely and dashing candidates. (afterwards) Thank you gentlemen. 8ou may %roceed +ackstage and leave the ladies on stage +ecause at this moment we would like to give em%hasis to their +eauty and elegance. Joel: *ccording to an unknown author E!ure God created men +efore women. ut then you always make a rough draft +efore the final master%iece.F -t is true tha t women's +eauty should +e cele+rated every time. Jen: *nd here to serenade our thirteen gorgeous female candidates let us welcome a former faculty mem+er of #awa $igh !chool and one of our udges for tonight's com%etition 'r. &ulius . s%adero.
(afterwards) Joel: Thank you !ir &ulD for that lovely serenade. - am sure all the female candidates are now overwhelmed with a%%reciation. Jen: *t this %oint we would like to reuest the 12 male candidates to oin the ladies on stage +ecause we will +e awarding the net set of awards. Joel: We have 5 minor awards to give away at this uncture. /et us get the +all rolling starting with the est in Ham%.
(voice over will read the award #resenters) Joel: *nd the award for est in Ham%, 'ale ;ategory goes to candidate no.CCCCC. *nd our est in Ham%, ?emale ;ategory is candidate no.CCCCCCCCCC. Jen: Thank you dear %resenters. The net award is the est in #roduction *ttire.
(voice over will read the award #resenters) Joel: *nd the award for est in #roduction *ttire, 'ale ;ategory goes to candidate no.CCCCC. *nd our est in #roduction *ttire, ?emale ;ategory is candidate no.CCCCCCCCCC. Jen:: The net award is our est in #roduction Aum+er.
(voice over will read the award #resenters) Jen: 3ur est in #roduction Aum+er among the gentlemen is candidate no. CCCCCCCCC. *nd our est in #roduction Aum+er among the ladies is candidate no. CCCCCCCCCCCC. Joel: ;ongratulations. The fourth award to +e +estowed is est in ?estival *ttire.
(voice over will read the award #resenters) Joel: *nd our +est in ;ultural *ttire among the males is candidate no. CCCCCCCCCCC. *nd our +est in ;ultural *ttire among the females is candidate no. CCCCCCCCCCC. Jen: The third to the last award we shall give away is the est in !chool niform.
(voice over will read the award #resenters)
Joel: *nd our +est in !chool niform (male category) is candidate no. CCCCCCCCCCC. *nd our +est in !chool niform (female category) is candidate no. CCCCCCCCCCC. Jen: The net award is est in !%orts Wear.
(voice over will read the award #resenters) Joel: *nd our +est in !%orts Wear (male category) is candidate no. CCCCCCCCCCC. *nd our +est in !%orts Wear (female category) is candidate no. CCCCCCCCCCC. Jen: The last s%ecial award goes to the candidates with the most +eautiful way of donning their formal attire.
(voice over will read the award #resenters) Jen: *nd our +est in ?ormal Wear is candidate no. CCCCCCCCCCC. ;ongratulations to all our winners. ;andidates you may first %roceed +ackstage to +reathe and rela a little +ecause in a short moment we will +e announcing the to% <. Jen: 3nce again here are the winners of our s%ecial and minor awards. (recalls winners) Joel: 3nce again a word from our s%onsors.
(voice over thans s#onsors) Joel: 3ur official ta+ulator !T- /egaD%i is now tallying all the scores of our candidates +ased on
the set criteria to determine our To% < male and female candida tes. These five finalists will +e the only ones to ualify to for the first uestion and answer %ortion where all their scores will +e +ack to Dero. Their %erformance during the first J and * This will determine our To% K. *fter the to% K have +een determined the last standing candidates will undergo another uestion,and answer to determine our 2 nd runners u% 1st runners u% and the most covered 'r. and 's. #awa $igh !chool 201. (if res$lts are not 'et read', go to the a$dience for some interview) Joel: /adies and gentlemen %lease direct your eyes to the screen once again for an audio,visual %resentation of our candidates' %reliminary activities. Jen: -t a%%ears that our auditors have ta+ulated the udges' scores and we are ready We would like to invite all our candidates onstage once again. /et us +egin with the announcement of the female candidates who made it to the to% <. -n no %articular order here are our To% < male candidates. /et's +egin. 8ou are one ste% closer to the crown candidate no. CCCCCCCCC. Joel: 8ou have a s%ot in the to% < candidate no. CCCCCCCCC. Jen: 8ou can oin the rest of the candidates +ecause you are in the to% < candidate no. CCCCCCCCCCC. Joel: 8ou can now +reathe ha%%ily candidate no. CCCCCCCCCCC.
Jen: We are now down to the last gentleman who made it to the to% <. *nd that s%ot is for you candidate no. CCCCCC. Joel: ;ongratulations my dear gentlemen for making it to the to% <. To the remaining male candidates also our congratulations for making it this far. Thank you for oining the com%etition and you may %roceed +ackstage to give way to the ladies +ecause at this %oint we shall +e revealing the to% < among the female candidates. /adies are you ready4 3kay let us get things rolling.
8ou are %art of the to% < candidate no. CCCCCCCCCC. Jen: 8ou may ste% forward +ecause you are %art of the to% < candidate no. CCCCCC. Joel: 3ur early congratulations to you candidate no. CCCCCCCCCC. Jen: #ut your hands u% +ecause you have a s%ot in the to% < candidate no. CCCC. Joel: We are now down to the last lady who made it to the to% <. ;ongratulations +ecause that s%ot is for you candidate no. CCCCCC. Jen: There you have it ladies and gentlemen. 3ur twenty,five candidates are now down to ten. ;ongratulations candidates. 8ou are now one ste% closer to winning the crown of 'r. and 's. #awa $igh !chool 201. * round of a%%lause for them my dear friends. Joel: We would like to remind every+ody that at this %oint all the candidates' %revious scores have +een erased. ach of the contestants now enters these last moments of the %ageant with Dero %oints. We shall +e +asing the results from how well the candidates will %erform during the most daunting uestion,and,answer %ortion. Jen: -ndeed !ir &oel. *nd without much ado let us now start the most eciting and the most awaited %art of any +eauty %ageant 9 the uestion and answer %ortion. Joel: 3f course the uestion,and,answer %ortion will only %rove that the students from #awa $igh !chool are not ust %hysically alluring +ut they are also most es%ecially intelligent. Jen: 8ou have heard it my dear candidates so no %ressure. This is how we are going to do the uestion,and,answer. 8ou will %ick one stri% of %a%er from the +owl !ir &oel is holding and that stri% of %a%er contains the uestion that you have to answer. *re you now ready4 Hela +reathe. 3kay let us start with candidate no. CCC.
(afterwards) Joan: Thank you gentlemen. &o+ well done. Aow it's the turn of the ladies. Joel: 3kay. /adies you will go through the same %rocess as our male candidates. 8ou will %ick one stri% of %a%er from the +owl !ir &oel is holding and that stri% of %a%er contains the uestion that you have to answer. *re you now ready4 Hela +reathe. Jen: Thank you candidates. There you have it ladies and gentlemen the second to the last %hase of our com%etition for this evening. Thank you my dear candidates you may %roceed +ackstage
first and have a little +reather. We are mere minutes away from crowning the new 'r. and 's. #awa $igh !chool 201. - am very ecited already. Joel: 'e too 'am &en. - am sure after hearing the candidates' answers the udges are having a tough time selecting our To% K. Jen: -ndeed they are. - am ha%%y that - am only a host for this evening. While our official ta+ulator is auditing the results let us take this o%%ortunity to award the certificates and tokens to the very a+le mem+ers of the +oard of udges. Jen: We would like to welcome on stage to hel% us award the certificates and tokens our +eloved school head 'adam lvira Tusi,elen our #u+lic !chools @istrict !u%ervisor 'adam Hogie '. 'ontiveros our G#T* #resident 'rs. Aery >illanueva and the arangay ;hairman of #awa /gaD%i ;ity $on. Hoger AuneD. Joel: ;itation reads (read citation) (afterwards) The same certificate is awarded to CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC. Joel: Thank you 'esdames and !irs for oining us tonight. Thank you for sharing your e%ertise as +oard of udges for this evening's com%etition. Jen: #lease remain on stage 'am elen 'am Hogie 'am Aery and 'r. AuneD. We will also award certificates of commendation to the following individuals who have hel%ed us realiDe tonight's event. (read citation for each certificate)
,Tri+u dukador ,'r. Heymart . *tun ,'r. &oel !. ulawan Joel: Thank you very much 'am elen 'am Hogie 'am Aery and 'r. AuneD. *lso to our udges mem+ers of the tri+u edukador 'r. *tun and myself thank you as well. Jen: efore we announce the To% K let us welcome the woman +ehind tonight's festivities the #rogram $ead of this !earch for 'r. and 's. #awa $igh !chool 201 's. Geraldine >. *cerado for some acknowledgements. * round of a%%lause %lease.
(afterwards) Jen: Thank you so much 'am Geraldine. - think the ta+ulating committee is already through with the auditing of the scores. *nd the results are in. We would like to reuest all the To% < male and female candidates to come on stage for the verdict. Joel: /adies and gentlemen +efore we announce the To% K who will undergo the last %hase of udging via another uestion,and,answer we would like to note that this will +e in no %articular order. To our To% < female and male candidates we would like to congratulate all of you for making it this far. 8ou are all winners already. Jen: That's right !ir &oel. 3k here we go. - think the candidates are now ready. /et us start with the gentlemen. *gain in no %articular order the first candidate who made to the To% K is
candidate no. CCCCCCCCCC. ;ongratulations you have a s%ot in the To% K CCCCCCCC. The last s%ot +elongs to you candidate no. CCCCCCCCCCCC. Joel: -t's now the ladies' turn. /adies take a dee% +reath. *re you ready4 -n no %articular order the first female candidate who made to the To% K is candidate no. CCCCCC. ;ongratulations you are so much closer to the crown candidate no. CCCCCC. CCCCCCCC. The last s%ot in the To% K +elongs to you candidate no. CCCCCCCCCCCC. Jen: To our non,winners still our congratulations to you. 8ou may now %roceed +ackstage. To our To% K female and male candidates you are one uestion away from +eing crowned 'r. and 's. #awa $igh !chool 201. Joel: That's right 'am &en. *t this %oint we shall now immediately %roceed with the last uestion,and,answer to determine our title winners 2nd runners u% 1st runners u% and of course 'r. and 's. #awa $igh !chool 201. *gain the scores of our To% K are +ack to Dero. Jen: Gentlemen %lease take center stage. This is how this %ortion will go. The three of you will answer the same uestion. ach of you will +e given 2 minutes to answer the uestion. When you hear this sound (Sir a will #la' so$nd ) that means your 2 minutes is u%. *re we clear4 *lright let us start with ;andidate no. CCCCCCC. $ere is your uestion: s !he new Mr. Pawa High School' wha! can #o$ do !o hel% o$r school reali&e i!s goal !o 'eco(e a world)class a*en$e of learning+
(uestion all '*/ ;andidates) Joel: -t's now the turn of the ladies. /adies take center stage %lease. *gain the three of you will answer the same uestion. ach of you will +e given 2 minutes to answer the uestion. When you hear this sound (Sir a will #la' so$nd ) that means your 2 minutes is u%. -f you are ready let us start with candidate no. CCCCCCC. $ere is your uestion: If #o$ will 'e crowned as !he ne,! Ms. Pawa High School' wha! are #o$ going !o do !o %ro*e !o !he school and co(($ni!# !ha! #o$ are !r$l# wor!h# of !he !i!le+ Jen: Thank you to our to% K female and male candidates. efore this evening ends two of them will +e crowned as the newest 'r. and 's. #awa $igh !chool. *t this %oint %lease %roceed +ackstage first and have a short rest. Joel: The crown re%resents a titlist's reign as +eing the most +eautiful and intelligent candidate in any +eauty %ageant. The crown is the sym+ol of %ower and +eauty +ut it is also a sym+ol res%onsi+ility commitment %assion and grace. To +eueath the crown to our newest 's. #awa $igh !chool ladies and gentlemen let us welcome 's. ;herry 'ae ristol 's. #awa $igh !chool 2012 for her farewell walk. Jen: Thank you 's. ristol. 8ou have +een a wonderful eam%le to all our candidates most es%ecially to your successor to whom you shall +eueath that most coveted crown for this evening.
Joel: *t this %oint we would like to call on,stage once again our To% K female and male candidates. Joel: 3f course we would like to congratulate all of you +ecause you are already winners. -t will ust +e a matter of which award is going to whom. Tonight you have shown your %rowess in all the com%etitions. The e%erience you have gained in this com%etition is enough to consider yourselves winners. Jen: That is so true. !o if you are all ready let us announce the winners.
(announce 2nd runners u% 1st runners u% and 'r. and 's. #awa $! 201 ) Joel: ;ongratulations to our new 'r. and 's. #awa $igh !chool 201 CCCCCCCCCCCCC and CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC. Jen: !ee you net year for another %arade of talent intelligence and +eauty. Joel: This has +een 'r. &oel ulawan. Jen: - am 's. &eanny ;. raga. &oin us net year as we continue the Joel and Jen: !earch for 'r. and 's. #awa $igh !chool. Good n ight.
-IST / CITES Search for Mr. and Ms. Pawa High School 2016 Male Candida!es
1. &ames #aul alde 2. ench 'irafuentes K. !te%hen &ose%h *ycocho B. &ohn ;arl Gardonia <. &ohn #aul 'emoracion . /eonel *rgones 5. &o+eth /lamoso 6. Laldy *rtiaga 7. &ohn mmanuel 'illena 10. Aa%oleon 'illares 11. ugene orras 12. &immy AuneD /e(ale Candida!es
1. $aDel 'ina 2. ;aira #ardinas K. ;larice #ider B. @eanne 'arie ;laire #eralta <. 'ary =ristine >illanueva . =ayesha Aicole 3rtal 5. &ustine 'ae onao+ra 6. 'aricor chaluce
7. $ershie *ndes 10. 'a. *ndrei euillo 11. /ovely ?aith *dor 12. *ngelica AuneD 1K. *ngelica >argas
EMCEE SCRIPT FOR STORYTELLING COMPETITIONPERINGKAT ZON TANJONG ALAN 2013PROGRAMTEXTNOTESINTROGood morning ladies and gentlemen, the ceremony would be starting shortly, please take your seats in a hurry.Ladies and Gentleman, we are here today for the Storytelling Competition of Peringkat Zon Tanjung Alan 2013. As a start, now I would like to invite our honourable judges and the time keeper to take their seats.First, let me introduce to all of you the judges for todays competition. The first judge is ............................ as our chief judge. Artcut software. The second jugdge is .......................... Last but not least, the third judge is ........................And our timekeeper for this competition is __________________.RULES AND REGULATIONBefore we proceed further this morning, do allow me give a brief explanation on this competition. The competition is open to all government-aided schools. Only ONE contestant will represent his/her state in the national level. Our competition today is mainly based on prepared stories. Every contestants are to observe the following rules :1. Stories presented can be authentic, adapted or originally written.2. Stories presented MUST NOT touch on sensitive issues such as races, religion, stereotyping, politics and so on.3. Stories must be thematically educational.4. Contestant are ONLY allowed to use the stand microphone provided to ensure minimal movement.5. Props, Backdrops and sound effects are not allowed. Any use of these will allow for disqualification by the judges.6. Each contestant are allocated 4 to 5 minute to present their story. The bell will be rung at the 5th minute. Marks will be deducted thereafter. Contestant will be disqualified if :1. He/she reads or refers to notes/ reading materials.2. He/she is prompted by another person.And last but not least, all the judges decisions are final and individual marks will not be disclosed.Ladies and gentlemen, as a kind reminder, please lower down your voices and ensure that your mobile phones are switch off or turn into silent mode as this is a formal event. Your consideration is very much appreciated.CONTESTANTNow, let us begin with the first contestant from Sekolah with his/her story entitle .#Thank you to_______________ for his/her inspiring story.Next, I would like to call upon the second contestant . from Sekolah with his/her story entitle #Thank you to .And our third contestant for today is. from Sekolah with his/her speech entitle .#Thank you to . for his/her lovely story. Next, please come to the stage . from Sekolah with his/her story entitle .Thank you to . Now, let us welcome our fifth contestant _________ from Sekolah.with his/ her story entitle ______Thank you to ___________. So, we are into the final contestant, . from Sekolah ______with his / her story entitle _____.Thank you to______.With that, all contestants have delivered their stories. We are taking a short break to give time to our honourable judges to calculate the marks. Lovely story Inspiring story Encouraging story Beautiful story Heart touching story Wonderful story Such a fantastic story. Motivated story Creative imagination Mind blasting storyTEA BREAKAll the contestants and teachers are required to remain inside the hall. The organising committees will move around and give foods and drinks to all of you. You are given 20 minutes to freshing up. We are going to proceed on with our ceremony at ___a.mADJOURNEDWe have now come to the end of the ceremony. On behalf of the organizing committees, we would like to thank you for spending your time with us this morning. We would like to express our thanks to all the teachers, staff and pupils who had given us big support and help to run this program in such a success.Thank you very much ladies and gentleman! You may now adjourn.
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